About Nordica Background
Nordic science has a long tradition of gathering scientists, students and technicians from different fields within biomolecular mass spectrometry, covering identification, quantification and structural analysis of small organic molecules, lipids, nucleic acids, glycans and proteins.
Our vision for the Nordic Conference in Mass Spectrometry
and Proteomics 2025 is to host a forward-looking and interdisciplinary
conference for up to 350 participants. Odense is the perfect venue in 2025
because we celebrate 50 years of biological mass spectrometry research at SDU – University of Southern Denmark.
The conference will host plenary and keynote lectures from
leading international mass spectrometry scientists covering fundamentals,
environmental, pharma, bioimaging, metabolomics, proteomics and much more. The
conference also features several thematic workshops.
The NordicMSP2025 conference will strengthen the Nordic mass
spectrometry and proteomics communities across academia, hospitals, pharma and
the biotech industry, and is also an excellent recruiting ground for companies.